A good, ol' shoot-out
I had a blast today, even though I am still in northern Illinois. It felt like an old-fashioned Philpott-Backer reunion, kind of like the one at Clellie's cabin in North Carolina - when was that? 1998? 1999?
A local guy who lives in the County (outside city limits) regularly invites friends to come and shoot on his five acres. His neighbors hate him and frequently complain to the Sheriff's Department, because it sounds to them like World War III is starting - every week.
About 70 friends showed up today, including friends of friends. Safety was good, and everyone wore eye and ear protection. A firing line was set up, and everyone got to shoot every gun.
2-3 shotguns
2 flintlock rifles
1 cap-and-ball rifle
some single-shot military rifles
a "trapdoor" rifle
an M-1 (I think it was)
an AR-15
an AK-47
an AK-74
and there were a number of .22 rifles, including a lever-action model. Plus shooters could fire their own rifles and pistols.
And there was a great cook-out with burgers, dogs (cooked to perfection like the old ballpark hotdogs (you know, a little charred)), coleslaw, baked beans, potato salad, and big slices of onion for the burgers.
The day started for the Range Officers with a 7AM breakfast, and we each made our own (sort-of) omelets by putting two eggs in a Ziploc bag with chopped onions, chopped bacon and grated cheese. Then numbers were written on the bags (which came off some bags), and the bags were dropped in boiling water for 11 minutes. Ever had that? I never had. It was delicious.
I think I'll go out to the guy's place again tomorrow and shoot, so I only have to clean my gun once.